Our adult book study classes are open to anyone who is interested in experiencing the life lessons and spiritual gifts that come from learning about the word of God as found in publications and who would like to share this experience with others in a supportive, non-critical environment.
We have two groups that meet every Tuesday morning at the church and Tuesday evening on zoom at 7PM. Please email Pastor Barbara at umcbranford1966@gmail.com for the link or telephone number if you would like to join the study.
Current Study Program
When God’s Spirit Moves – In this study Rev Jim Cymbala, pastor of the Brooklyn Tabernacle, showed us truths about prayer that God has used to turn his own church from a tiny, struggling inner-city congregation into a vital, thriving community of believers who pray with passion, focus, and faith. Prayer can change lives and circumstances like nothing else can. What are the keys that unlock its power, that turn prayer from a mere activity into a vital link with God and all his resources?